Mary Beth Doucette

Purdy Crawford Chair in Aboriginal Business Studies, Assistant Professor

Mary Beth Doucette is Assistant Professor and Purdy Crawford Chair in CBU锟絪 Shannon School of Business (Sydney, NS). She is also Membertou band member and a doctoral student in management at St. Mary锟絪 University (Halifax, NS). She has a B.Eng in industrial engineering from Dalhousie and an MBA in Community Economic Development from CBU. With a focus on interactions between Mi锟絢maw and Canadians, Doucette researches how people in organizations use policies and procedures to share knowledge in culturally informed ways. One tangible result of Doucette锟絪 research is a co-edited book (2016, with K. G. Brown and J. E. Tulk), Indigenous Business in Canada: Principles and Practices. The book demonstrates the unequivocal effect that history and policy have on business education as it relates to Aboriginal business and communities. Doucette is currently working on a research project (A SHARED Future) that is rooted in the desire for reconciliation between groups and with the environment.


Decolonization, reconciliation, business education, two-eyed seeing, Etuaptmumk