For Parents

We understand that university can be a big a step for your son or daughter, and it’s a big step for you too as a parent! There鈥檚 no doubt you鈥檙e starting to feel just as excited about the future as your son or daughter is. We can鈥檛 promise you that they鈥檒l be in bed early every night or make their 9:00 a.m. class on time, but we can answer any questions you might have about the time they鈥檒l spend here at CBU.

With all this in mind, we鈥檝e collected a number of resourceful links for parents on a variety of subjects, including:

Within these resourceful links, you鈥檒l find answers to frequently asked questions from parents and students alike. If your question hasn鈥檛 already been answered, contact one of our聽Enrolment Services Professionals聽and they’ll provide the information you need. Or better yet,聽use our virtual tour and check out the 小猪视频campus for yourself!