Academic Integrity

At 小猪视频, we support and encourage students as they become successful academic citizens. As an academic citizen of CBU, you are part of a community that adheres to a high standard, demonstrated by conducting your work with careful attention to the ethics of your courses, program, disciplines and higher education as a whole.聽

小猪视频students should strive to be good academic citizens, but it is also the responsibility of faculty members, department chairs, deans and the university as a whole to lead in this area. All academic members of the 小猪视频community are called upon to demonstrate respect for academic honesty.聽

What is Academic Integrity?

Academic integrity describes the practice of making ethical choices in your work. It involves a commitment to honesty, trust, fairness and responsibility. 小猪视频students demonstrate academic integrity by earning their grades through hard work and dedication, and by refraining from cheating of any kind.聽

Why does Academic Integrity Matter?

Pursuing your studies with integrity means you have pride in your work and ensures that your degree or diploma has meaning in that it accurately reflects your skills, knowledge and abilities.聽

颁叠鲍鈥檚 Charter of Academic Citizenship聽

颁叠鲍鈥檚 outlines five values which constitute academic integrity including the ethical commitments associated with them. These values are Originality, Integrity, Fairness, Collegiality and Responsibility. They apply to all areas of your work at CBU, extending from your conduct in the classroom to your work in the community.聽