Meet the CBUSU 2023-2024


The 小猪视频 Students鈥 Union (CBUSU) is the collective voice of its members at CBU. Students are the most integral part of any educational institution so it鈥檚 important to have strong voices at the table to provide leadership and advocacy for all students. While the CBUSU鈥檚 primary focus is to serve and represent students, they also run several student hubs including the Multicultural Hub, the Women鈥檚 Centre, the Ekkian Indigenous Centre, the Pride and Ally Centre, the Food Bank, the Caper Times and Caper Convenience.听

The CBUSU Executive consists of five members, two elected members – the President and Executive Vice President – and three members hired based on their skill set through an application process – the Vice President of Promotions, Vice President of Finance and Operations and Vice President of Student Services.听

We are thrilled to share a little bit about each member of the 2023-24 CBUSU Executive so you can get to know them better.听


Meet Sahilpreet Singh Chatha, CBUSU President聽

Sahil is from Punjab in the northern part of India, also known as 鈥淭he Land of Five Rivers.鈥 After hearing of the great experience previous family members had at CBU, he was encouraged to come to Cape Breton for his studies. Sahil is currently pursuing a Diploma in Public Administration and Management.听

Sahil was involved in student government in high school before coming to 小猪视频which sparked his passion for leadership and advocacy. This motivated him to continue his involvement in student government at the university level. Sahil was already heavily involved in the student community and he knew running for the Students鈥 Union President would allow him to advocate for students further. He was proud to have his Executive Vice President, Gideon Otiobhi, run beside him, and together, they won the majority of the vote.听

As President, Sahil leads the executive team in representing the interests of the entire student body. He works with University administration, faculty and staff to address student concerns, organize events and ensure the overall wellbeing of the entire student community.听

Sahil says he always had a passion for creating a positive impact in the lives of others, which is what inspired him to take on the role. The Students鈥 Union provides a unique opportunity to advocate for student rights, work on initiatives that enhance campus life and foster a sense of unity among diverse student groups.听

Sahil鈥檚 office doors are always open to new ideas, concerns and interests of the students he represents. He believes that through sharing ideas and collaborating on issues that affect all students, everyone can make a positive impact and shape the university experience for the better.


Meet Gideon Osaro Otoibhi, CBUSU Executive Vice President

Gideon is the Executive Vice President and a student in the Post-Baccalaureate in Supply Chain Management program. Gideon is from Nigeria and has a willingness to learn and inspire, which is why he decided to run to be part of the CBUSU. In his role as Executive Vice President, Gideon is responsible for advocating for students as it relates to academics, student appeals and other issues that protect the rights of students in the classroom, ensuring there is total transparency.听

During his time as the Executive Vice President, Gideon鈥檚 goal is to inspire students to shine bright with their passion for making a positive impact. By coming together and connecting, Gideon believes we鈥檒l all continue to create a beautiful campus environment for our diverse 小猪视频community. His advice to students is to actively participate in school events and elections, and engage with fellow students to build close and harmonious relationships within the 小猪视频community.听

Gideon is proud to represent all 小猪视频students and believes that together, we鈥檒l work toward bringing more equity to student government.听


Meet Brandi Jean Lind, CBUSU Vice President of Promotions

Brandi Jean Lind is from Cape Breton Island and is currently pursuing her second degree at CBU. A student of Bachelor of Arts Community Studies, Brandi Jean is pursuing a major in Anthropology/Sociology, Communication and Psychology alongside a certificate in Biomedical Ethics and Health. As the Vice President of Promotions, Brandi Jean鈥檚 role involves planning events, getting students involved and promoting all Students鈥 Union matters.

Brandi Jean chose to come back to 小猪视频after discovering her passion for counselling and end-of-life care. Thanks to an articulation agreement between 小猪视频and the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), this transition was made simpler for her. Now, Brandi Jean is happy to be a part of a student body that is comprised of individuals from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences. This diversity fosters an inclusive learning environment for Brandi Jean where she can learn from her peers鈥 unique perspectives and broaden her horizons.

When Brandi Jean first joined CBU, she volunteered with the Students鈥 Union for Week of Welcome for two years. When she attended NSCC, she also held the role of Vice President of Communications in her first year and President in the second year during her time at NSCC Students Association. As the Vice President of Promotions at CBUSU, Brandi Jean hopes to combine her passion of helping others with a role that helps her grow professionally and make connections within the University community.

According to Brandi Jean, Students鈥 Unions empower students by giving them a voice within the institution and providing opportunities for personal growth through extracurricular activities. At CBUSU, Brandi Jean is working to create a truly inclusive environment; whether this includes having CBUSU events in spaces that have gender neutral washrooms, quiet spaces for those who experience sensory overload, or different points of access.

Like everyone at the CBUSU, Brandi Jean鈥檚 doors are always open for students with question or concerns. She encourages everyone to stay up to date by following and their .


Meet Colton Burke, CBUSU Vice President of Finance and Operations聽

Colton Burke is from Cape Breton Island and is the Vice President of Finance and Operations for the CBUSU. Colton鈥檚 past involvement in the Students鈥 Union as an administrative assistant and a background in business inspired him to take on his current role.

As the Vice President of Fincance and Operations, Colton鈥檚 role is to oversee the financial transactions, providing direction to the Students鈥 Union-run convenience store, managing societies with the help of coordinator and general manager alongside other aspects of Students鈥 Union operations.

To Colton, it is important that a university has a Students鈥 Union to amplify the voices of students on an official level. Knowing there is a group out there standing up for your best interests allows for every student鈥檚 university experience to be special and less stressful.

During his time at CBUSU, Colton hopes to bringforth positive change and assist in creating new services while reviving student societies into campus life. To those looking at becoming future Students鈥 Union leaders, Colton recommends volunteering at the SU and making connections with the student body.听


Meet Harmanjot Singh Ghuman, CBUSU Vice President of Student Services

The role of Vice President of Student Services is the newest addition to the Students鈥 Union Executive. The debut Vice President of Student Services is Harmanjot Singh Ghuman from India. Harmanjot is currently pursuing a Diploma in Public Administration and Management. For him, this is the perfect role given his strong involvement in helping out his community.

Helping students and those in need is one of Harmanjot鈥檚 passions and the role of Vice President of Student Services provides him with a platform for advocacy and positive change. In his role, Harmanjot鈥檚 primary goal is to enhance the overall student experience by fostering a supportive and inclusive campus environment, ensuring student voices are heard and their needs are met effectively.

For Harmanjot, involvement from students is the centrepiece of a strong student government. He asks that students reach our to current student government members, learn about ongoing initiatives, participate in discussions where possible and stay informed about issues on campus.

Harmanjot聽 is dedicated to serving and representing students鈥 interests through this newly created role. He hopes to collaborate with students, societies and departments to make in difference in student lives during his time at the CBUSU.